Meerkats at London Zoo, London
Meerkats at London ZooMeerkat or Mongoose (Suricatta suricata)
Highly sociable, these mongooses live in extensive burrow systems. One of the group acts as sentry on a high vantage point, while the others forage for food. Black hair around their eyes enables them to scan the bright sky for predators and a variety of calls warns the group to hide when danger is near.
ZSL London Zoo
ZSL London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo.It was opened in London on April 27, 1828,and was originally intended to be used as a collection for scientific study. It was eventually made open to the public in 1847. Today it houses a collection of 755 species of animals, with 15104 individuals, making it one of the largest collections in the United Kingdom.
It is managed under the aegis of the Zoological Society of London (established in 1826),and is situated at the northern edge of Regent's Park (the Regent's Canal runs through it).The Society also has a more spacious site at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire to which the larger animals such as elephants and rhinos have been moved. As well as being the first scientific zoo, ZSL London Zoo also opened the first Reptile house (1849), first public Aquarium (1853), first insect house (1881) and the first children's zoo (1938).
ZSL receives no state funding and relies on 'Fellows', 'Friends', 'Members', entrance fees and sponsorship to generate income.