
Ramona's Mexican Hammock, St. George Wharf, London

Sunday, June 10, 2007 Craig Grobler 0 Comments

I bought a Ramona Mexican Hammock while we were in the Yucatan last year. I finally got around to putting it up and I'm quite happy with the result. I'm going to need to look into a ceiling fitting so I can hang it from the roof.

Romano's handmade Hammock
With weaving techniques dating back to the early 15th century, native artisans, like Ramona, handcraft pure cotton and high-tech nylon into incredible hammocks of unrivalled quality.

Hour after hour, in tiny huts, on open air looms, in the remote villages of Teabo, Pencuyut, Dzitas, Kanasin and Chomayel, they patiently work the fibre. Each hammock has more than two miles of cord and can take an experienced weaver up to 90 hours to complete. For centuries, hammock weaving has been a major source of income for the Mayans, who take enormous pride in their traditional techniques and colour designs.

Cotton hammocks feel like a soft bed. The material breathes and flexes. The colours are natural. If left out in the weather, they will begin to fade in the first year, and the cotton will show signs of deterioration in the second year. They are susceptible to snags. Cotton hammocks are best used inside or on a covered porch, out of the weather.

According to The Journal of The American Medical Association, woven cotton and nylon hammocks "provide excellent back support" and are, in many ways, the "ultimate tool for relieving stress."

For more info visit here: