The Establishing Shot: We want your questions! Want to ask Joss Whedon about his past or future work? The Cabin in the Woods? The Avengers? Oh! and we get a hi res The Cabin in the Woods poster

We want your questions! With The Cabin in the Woods due in cinemas April 13, Lionsgate would like to hear what questions you have for Whedon and the best will answered in a video. Questions are not limited to any particular subject but use your common sense and hopefully we'll get to hear Joss Whedon's thoughts and insight behind making his shows.
Leave your questions for Joss Whedon about his previous, future work and particularly the awesome new horror he had produced, The Cabin in the Woods (in cinemas April 13th) as a comment below (or Tweet us @TheEstShot if Disqus comment system is down) and you might well have your question answered and credited in the video interview.
Image: The Cabin in the Woods Poster (Click to enlarge)
The Cabin in the Woods
Five friends go to a remote cabin in the woods. Bad things happen. If you think you know this story, think again. From fan favourites Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard comes The Cabin in the Woods , a mind blowing horror film that turns the genre inside out.
Leave your questions as a comment below and we'll make sure that they get over to the team that will select the most intresting.
Video: Cabin in the Woods HD Trailer - In Cinemas Friday April 13
Produced by Whedon and directed by Goddard from a script by both, the film stars Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth, Anna Hutchison, Fran Kranz, Jesse Williams, Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford. Lionsgate presents a Mutant Enemy production.
Official UK Facebook / Twitter hashtag #CabinintheWoods
The Cabin in the Woods release date: 3 April 2012
Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.
Director: Drew Goddard
Writers: Joss Whedon, Drew Goddard
Stars: Richard Jenkins, Bradley Whitford and Chris Hemsworth
Was there a different plan for Wash if Firefly had continued for another season?
ReplyDeleteHas the experience with Dollhouse & Firefly given him cold feet over working with a network again?
After the success of Dr Horrible, does he think that an internet/Disc/streaming media model could work for a series and has he considered it?
ReplyDeleteFirefly was amazing, but was roughly tackled by critiques early on saying "it was the fastest failing show" they had ever seen. Yet, in spite of that, a huge fan base was built. Given the chance, would you resurrect it? Or would you rather leave it in the half-buried grave that it's in?
ReplyDeleteLooks like you're slowly redefining each genre out there (Vampire, Sci-Fi, Musical, Superhero and now Horror, and soon Love with Much Ado), so my question is, what genre would you want to tackle next, if given the chance?
In Angel season 3 episode 6, "Billy," [SPOILERS ahead, for readers who
ReplyDeletecare] at the end, Angel keeps Cordelia from killing Billy. Why is that?
He spends all this effort teaching her to defend herself, but when push
comes to shove, she isn't allowed to kill? I have wracked my brain
trying to think about what possible motivation there could have been for
this, but I cannot find one aside from perhaps a contrived way to let
Lilah be the one who does it. But having Lilah shoot Billy doesn't raise
up a flag for strong women. It sends the message that "evil" women kill
people, but that "good" women shouldn't have to. (Demons don't count, I
think it's fair to say. Killing people and killing demons is treated
pretty differently throughout both Angel and Buffy. Faith killed a human
by accident who was far from a good guy and she of all people
completely lost her shit.) The only reason he gives is that he "can't
let her do it" despite the pretty salient point that Cordelia mentions
which is that Billy isn't dangerous to her in the same way he would be
to Angel. And ultimately, Angel proves to be immune. But he couldn't
possibly have known that going into things. He had never seen an example
of anyone consciously controlling themselves once Billy had laid his
mojo on them, so there is no way he could have known what to expect or
whether he could have handled it.
So put quite simply: Why did
Angel prevent Cordelia from killing Billy? She had him dead to rights,
and to let her kill him would be an expression of companionship and
respect. To prevent her from it only seems to indicate that he believed
that it was his right to kill scumbags himself, that it was something
Cordelia needed protecting from, despite that she was the one who
suffered on his account, through the torture-visions and even living
through the death of one of Billy's victims. She hesitated, but I think
she would have done it, and could have. If anyone "deserved" the "right"
to kill Billy, you'd think it would be Cordelia, but instead she had to
stand there and worry that Angel was about to go super evil (only her
constantly voiced biggest fear) and attack her instead of Billy. That
doesn't sound like protection; it sounds like taking an unnecessary risk
for selfish reasons, or at best for scriptwriting convenience.
have no idea if this question will ever be addressed, but I am
extremely curious what the thought process was behind this stuff because
I'm sure there was a reason for it. I just can't for the life of me
puzzle it out.