Man of Steel Trailer analysis - It's EPIC and we break it down for non comic readers with symbolism, easter eggs & possible spoilers

Man of Steel Updates | ![]() |
The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Analysis | ![]() |
The Dark Knight Trilogy: UCE 7 October | ![]() |
Return to Krypton deleted scene - Superman Returns | ![]() |
Zack Snyder did an admirable job in bringing the unfilmable The Watchmen to screen but the challenge of making a Superman film for modern audiences cannot be underestimated as he is the greatest Superhero we have, not only does he have the most recognisable legacy but he is been in the public eye for the last 75 years making him a very known quantity.
Further to that, core to his values is the old fashioned American way. Something that puts him at a disadvantage when challenging ruthless opponents and jaded public opinion. But that is the very thing that makes Superman a superman.
Another challenge is Superman's all powerful super powers. How do you make them fit into our modern world in a nonsensical way and create tension around character that is seemingly invulnerable and omnipotent?
Well hopefully the pairing of Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan who revitalises Batman with his Dark Knight Trilogy seems perfect for Man of Steel. Both Nolan and Snyder understand and are masters of visual literacy and whilst Nolan brings an in-camera sense of credibility to his projects in line with modern audience expectations, Snyder has immense visual flair in making the impossible seem possible in a compelling and exciting way - so hopefully the pair are up to the challenge of bringing Superman back to the screen in an exciting fresh way. Below I take a closer look at the Man of Steel trailers for easter eggs and symbolism within the Superman mythos to see where Zack Snyder may be taking us.
A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.
Squaring off against the superhero are two other surviving Kryptonians, the villainous General Zod, played by Oscar nominee Michael Shannon (Revolutionary Road), and Faora, Zod’s evil partner, played by Antje Traue (upcoming The Seventh Son).
Also from Superman’s native Krypton are Lara Lor-Van, Superman’s mother, played by Ayelet Zurer (Angels and Demons), and Superman’s father, Jor-El, portrayed by Academy Award® winner Russell Crowe (Gladiator).
So far we have had 6, well 5 Man of Steel trailers, the first were 2 teasers were different versions of the same trailer. One with a Jor-El (Russell Crowe) voiceover and the other with a Jonathan "Pa" Kent (Kevin Costner) voiceover. Then we got a look at a second trailer, a 30 second You are not alone viral message from General Zod - which unlocked the final forth trailer and most recently a 30 Second US TV spot.
So make it easily digestible, below I run through trailers 1,2 & 3 at a high level before analysing the fourth full trailer referencing the other trailers where appropriate.
The first trailers are 1:28 long and came with either a Jor-El (Russell Crowe) or a Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) voiceover and introduces us to on three core stages of Kal-El or Clark Kent's (Henry Cavill) life.
Starting with a 30 something Clark, filmed with darker blue tones and set to a brilliant melancholic score we see an outcast living in a fishing community.
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Man Of Steel Trailer - Establishing Shot Elemental Earth & Water |
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Batman Trilogy Elemental Poster |
This should bring some weight to the fantastical journey we are about to embark on. We also understand that the mood that is conveyed during this period is melancholy, darkness and although not barren it is austere. It also shows what happens when a fluid state (water) meets an immovable force (rock) and importantly alludes to something being washed up on the shores, much like Kal-El's arrival on earth after travelling across space. The blue tone also exemplifies Zack Snyder using key colours to convey tone.
Further meaning of the first shot is bringing significance to where we are geographically "Earth" and how this may be a factor in what we later understand is Clark's state of mind.
The production design of the dark rocks seems to be referencing previous versions of Krypton including Lex Luthor's development of the "New Krypton" island elements from Bryan Singer's 2006 Superman Returns.
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Man Of Steel Every Man Clark Kent |
To fit into our modern world and be easier to identify with (as well as to give depth to Kal-El's arc of growth) it would seem that this Clark Kent is an everyman - a fisherman by trade, a crabber more specifically judging by the Crab cage they are using. Presumably this is Alaska or nearby (confirmed in the later trailers) home of the Alaskan King Crab. Hopefully this will also address an age old question that has plagued me - why? If you are as powerful as Superman would you need to pretend to have a day job as a reporter?
Then via a photo album we return to Clark's childhood. The photo that this is done by is a photo of a young Clark (Cooper Timberline) and his adopted father Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) at a Smallville Science Fair, where Clark won First Prize for his Volcano exhibit, these events are told via flashback in issue 253 of Adventure Comics, this issue where Superboy meets Robin,the boy wonder.
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Man of Steel Weisinger Primary School Science Fair |
Mort Weisinger was the Executive Editor of DC Comics through the 40s - 60s and is most well known for overseeing Superman during that period. Including the aforementioned issue 253 of Adventure Comics.
“Mort Weisinger is best known as the editor of Superman during the 40's, 50's, and 60's and is credited with explaining Superman's powers in a more scientific way. He imagined that Superman's powers were gained by the lesser gravity of Earth and that Earth's yellow sun gave him many of his other powers while a red sun, like Krypton's would neutralize them.
Weisinger also created many other characters and story devices in the Superman mythos, including Supergirl, the Fortress of Solitude, Brainiac, the Phantom Zone, and the Bottled City of Kandor.”- DC.wikia
Mort Weisinger is also credited with the introduction of: Supergirl, Krypto the Super Dog, the Legion of Super-Heroes as well as after - "Realising that "Batman was my favorite," Weisinger realised that the crucial difference was that "Batman can get hurt." In order to better allow the reader to identify with the invulnerable Man of Steel, Weisinger's stories frequently featured stories in which "Superman lost his powers and had to survive on his natural wits." - Wiki
A classy touch, as Snyder seems to be going back to Superman's roots and possibly drawing on work Weisinger is credited for - but an easter egg too far? Possibly given the speculation I spew further below.
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Man Of Steel Young Clark Blooms |
It would appear that something has happened between then and now, that has affected Clark. The scenes of Clark's childhood are in the 4th trailer so more detail about them below.
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Man of Steel Clark journeyman searching |
There seems to be an underlying motif of travelling or movement developing with Clark running away from the camera in the Smallville shots then hitching in the Alaskan hinterlands and ending with Clark in a later stage of his life as Superman soaring through the clouds with at least one sonic boom as he breaks the sound barrier. The space traveller has not settled down yet and the motif indicative of a man who has not found his home and is always on the move.
The rousing scenes of Superman flying are pretty damn spectacular. The string instruments and operatic voices dropping as we hear the wind as Kal-El flies Zack Snyder seems to have picked up the gauntlet and wants to make us believe a man can fly again.
So it would seem that Clark Kent is not as well adjusted as previously portrayed and seems to have come from a happy childhood before either his alien side distances him.
Russell Crowe's Jor-El voiceover:
“You, will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.”
As point out Jor-El's speech is an almost word for word copy of a discussion Jor-El and Kal-El have in a vision - in the final and twelfth issue of Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant's All-Star Superman series.Jor-El is explaining how all sentient life is connected and eventually transcends to a higher plane " they will join you in the sun." In the comics our yellow sun is the source of Superman's powers, Krypton has a red sun called Rao which was also worshipped as a Kryptonian deity.
Kevin Costner's Jonathan Kent voice over:
“ You're not just anyone. One day, you're gonna have to make a choice. You have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, is gonna change the world.”
Video: Superman movie Father & Son talk
A question this immediately raises is the timing and delivery of Jor-El's speech, when does he say this? When Kal-El is a baby? If so Jor-El seems to know enough about the inhabitants of Earth, and that Kal-El will be different. Possibly even having eyed Earth out as a replacement home for the ailing Krypton. Or does he say it at a later stage?
The second Man of Steel trailer is considerably longer at 2:23 and shows us a lot more including looks at - Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Rebecca Buller, possibly as Jenny Olsen, spaceships and destruction and Michael Shannon as Zod.
We start with Hans Zimmer's powerful, stirring string and opera track. And fade in on Clark adrift (both physically and mentally) underwater in ragged clothes, fire and explosions above the surface. This brings the opening shot from the first trailer of "washing up on the shore" to completion. The symbolism of the conditions that something could wash up on the shore of Earth - and now we are shown Clark in the water. The Messiah like comparisons are hard to ignore they have come as part of the Superman mythos, so nothing new there, but I'm guessing if you looked you would find many similarities to religious figures and tropes throughout Superman's stories..
Later on we see Clark in flames, presumably part of the action leading up to the scene above.
These striking shot further evidence that Zack Snyder is revelling in the elemental themes - much like Terrence Malick does in his visually stunning cinema as can be seen in Kogonada's Terrence Malick Supercut Malick // Fire & Water below.
Are these events defining moments in Clark's life literally forging him into the Man of Steel? Fire and water being key parts of the process of making Steel.
We return to Clark's (Cooper Timberline) childhood and discover all is not well, presumably Clark is being overcome by underlying issues of alienation and differences from everyone else possibly including his powers starting to develop.
The next couple of scenes seem to be set at school. Reiterating the theme of Clark's development and life stages. We are shown pencils with erasers and a chalkboard - this is the time for Clark to make mistakes and learn. The pencils seem to reference the linear designs of Krypton from previous films.
We see a young Clark (Cooper Timberline) running down a school corridor reiterating the larger theme of Clark travelling, being a traveller as well as his nomadic existence possibly hiding and on the run as seen later.
This follows through when we see Clark hiding from the big world, possibly his powers are starting to show and their effects overcoming him. While Martha Kent (Diane Lane) tries to comfort him.
The irony of Martha Kent's words of comfort to Clark about imagining the big world as a smaller island being that Kal-El may unknowingly feel like he has washed up on the shores of earth away from his home. And the isolation may follow him into adulthood.
Also the heavy handed symbolism of Clark being in the closet and hiding his secret self is duly noted.
A sickly Clark was originally part of Clark's disguise to hide his powers and not rouse suspicion which has slowly morphed into Clark been affected by his differences a similar theme was touched on in Bryan Singer's 2006 Superman Returns when introducing Kal-El's son Jason White (Tristan Lake Leabu) by Lois. In fact this scene eerily mirrors the scene where Lois & Jason are locked in the galley of Luthor's boat and Jason cannot help them escape.
This leads into tween Clark (Dylan Sprayberry) rescuing a crashing school bus and post rescue discussion with Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner). Possibly another defining moment from Clark's life.
Clark's adopted father Jonathan is of the opinion that Clark needs to hide his powers and secret self even at the risk of others lives.
Also it should be mentioned that earlier we see an older Clark underwater and return to him saving people from water, is this is another flashback triggered by the water? Leading into an older Clark forlornly watching as a school bus drives by.
It would appear that all the bits of young Clark may be flashbacks triggered by moments from older Clark's life.
The bus rescue may be a big event in Clark's life as it had repercussions. It could be that the bus rescue is the event that forces Clark to possibly leave Smallville and hide? Or are the moments from Clark's childhood just momentarily flashbacks rather than the chronological narrative it seems to be leading to? Too soon to tell.
We see an older Clark exploring what must be the Man of Steel equivalent of the Fortress of Solitude. And talking to someone or something. Possibly a super advanced Kryptonian supercomputer as in the previous films and Smallville TV show.
Clark saying: “I have so many questions, where do I come from?”and this seems to be at the heart of Man of Steel. Who and how the man becomes Superman.
We then see a montage of images:
- starting with Clark holding a black Kryptonian object which turns out to be the Kryptonian glyph for Hope and Supermans symbol
- Superman spectacularly taking flight from a snowy landscape shot like a dreamy vision.
- A blue beam of light rocking a earth city, presumably Metropolis as debris flies heavenward.
-Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) cradling a young Kal-El.
-A shirtless Clark on fire on the drilling platform.
- Spaceships in a dogfight with one exploding into flames
- Spaceships landing at the Kent farm in rural Kansas
Our first look at Michael Shannon as a grey goateed General Zod. In what looks to be a Kryptonian Warsuit or Kryptonian Battlesuit with his helmet off.
Superman kneeling before presumably Zod, definitely a Kryptonian Warsuit and either spewing or coughing out blood.
- Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and Rebecca Buller, possibly as Jenny Olsen, fleeing amidst the chaos of Metropolis being destroyed.
- Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) watching the destruction of kryptonopolis alone from Kal-El's nursery? Where is Jor-El?
- A meteor or space ship streaking across the sky towards earth.
- Superman in handcuffs and being held by the US Military.
- Clark on the oil rig rescuing workers from the fire/explosion
- Zod and Superman flying towards each above Metropolis - brace for a major impact
A spaceship flying through a wall of explosions.
- Colonel Hardy (Christopher Meloni) and Richard Schiff as Dr. Emil Hamilton dressed for some heavy duty weather staring in amazement at something.
- Jonathan Kent kissing Clark's head in the basement under their barn where Clark's spaceship is.
Clark running from a huge dust cloud protecting a child, the imagery evokes the scene from the Smallville Season 4 finale (Episode 22 - Commencement) where Clark protects a kid from a meteor storm. It also immediately calls to mind the dust clouds gathering over the Kent farm in Action Comics 868 signalling the arrival of Brainiac on Earth.
- The photo of Jonathan and Clark Kent taken at the Weisinger Primary School Science Fair
Clark in his Superman suit hugging Martha Kent at the Kent smallholding. The significance of this moment is unclear as yet but presumably Jonathan Kent has passed away as in the original telling or Kal-El has come to Martha to let her know he finally knows who he is.
- Superman flying through a blue light beam
- Superman's suit
- Superman being smashed into a bank vault at high speed.
- Superman and Lois surrounded by military in the middle of the desert.
And ends by turning the discussion "is Superman still relevant in this modern world?" Into - is the world ready for Superman?
We start with Hans Zimmer's powerful, stirring string and opera track. And fade in on Clark adrift (both physically and mentally) underwater in ragged clothes, fire and explosions above the surface. This brings the opening shot from the first trailer of "washing up on the shore" to completion. The symbolism of the conditions that something could wash up on the shore of Earth - and now we are shown Clark in the water. The Messiah like comparisons are hard to ignore they have come as part of the Superman mythos, so nothing new there, but I'm guessing if you looked you would find many similarities to religious figures and tropes throughout Superman's stories..
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Man of Steel Clark Kent oil platform rescue Messiah |
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Man of Steel Clark on fire oil rig rescue |
We return to Clark's (Cooper Timberline) childhood and discover all is not well, presumably Clark is being overcome by underlying issues of alienation and differences from everyone else possibly including his powers starting to develop.
The next couple of scenes seem to be set at school. Reiterating the theme of Clark's development and life stages. We are shown pencils with erasers and a chalkboard - this is the time for Clark to make mistakes and learn. The pencils seem to reference the linear designs of Krypton from previous films.
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Man of Steel young Clark running again |
This follows through when we see Clark hiding from the big world, possibly his powers are starting to show and their effects overcoming him. While Martha Kent (Diane Lane) tries to comfort him.
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Man Of Steel Young Clark overcome & alienated |
Also the heavy handed symbolism of Clark being in the closet and hiding his secret self is duly noted.
A sickly Clark was originally part of Clark's disguise to hide his powers and not rouse suspicion which has slowly morphed into Clark been affected by his differences a similar theme was touched on in Bryan Singer's 2006 Superman Returns when introducing Kal-El's son Jason White (Tristan Lake Leabu) by Lois. In fact this scene eerily mirrors the scene where Lois & Jason are locked in the galley of Luthor's boat and Jason cannot help them escape.
Video: Superman Returns (2006): We Should Go
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Man of Steel Jonathan & Clark Kent |
Clark's adopted father Jonathan is of the opinion that Clark needs to hide his powers and secret self even at the risk of others lives.
Also it should be mentioned that earlier we see an older Clark underwater and return to him saving people from water, is this is another flashback triggered by the water? Leading into an older Clark forlornly watching as a school bus drives by.
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Man Of Steel Fishing Village Flashback |
The bus rescue may be a big event in Clark's life as it had repercussions. It could be that the bus rescue is the event that forces Clark to possibly leave Smallville and hide? Or are the moments from Clark's childhood just momentarily flashbacks rather than the chronological narrative it seems to be leading to? Too soon to tell.
We see an older Clark exploring what must be the Man of Steel equivalent of the Fortress of Solitude. And talking to someone or something. Possibly a super advanced Kryptonian supercomputer as in the previous films and Smallville TV show.
Clark saying: “I have so many questions, where do I come from?”and this seems to be at the heart of Man of Steel. Who and how the man becomes Superman.
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent Fortress of Solitude Questions |
- starting with Clark holding a black Kryptonian object which turns out to be the Kryptonian glyph for Hope and Supermans symbol
- Superman spectacularly taking flight from a snowy landscape shot like a dreamy vision.
- A blue beam of light rocking a earth city, presumably Metropolis as debris flies heavenward.
-Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) cradling a young Kal-El.
-A shirtless Clark on fire on the drilling platform.
- Spaceships in a dogfight with one exploding into flames
- Spaceships landing at the Kent farm in rural Kansas
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Man of Steel old Zod - Michael Shannon |
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Man Of Steel Kneel Before Zod |
- Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and Rebecca Buller, possibly as Jenny Olsen, fleeing amidst the chaos of Metropolis being destroyed.
- Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) watching the destruction of kryptonopolis alone from Kal-El's nursery? Where is Jor-El?
- A meteor or space ship streaking across the sky towards earth.
- Superman in handcuffs and being held by the US Military.
- Clark on the oil rig rescuing workers from the fire/explosion
- Zod and Superman flying towards each above Metropolis - brace for a major impact
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Man of Steel Kryptonian Spaceship |
- Colonel Hardy (Christopher Meloni) and Richard Schiff as Dr. Emil Hamilton dressed for some heavy duty weather staring in amazement at something.
- Jonathan Kent kissing Clark's head in the basement under their barn where Clark's spaceship is.
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Man of Steel Clark Kent Saves Boy tornado dust storm clouds |
- The photo of Jonathan and Clark Kent taken at the Weisinger Primary School Science Fair
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Man of Steel Clark hugs Martha Kent |
- Superman's suit
- Superman being smashed into a bank vault at high speed.
- Superman and Lois surrounded by military in the middle of the desert.
And ends by turning the discussion "is Superman still relevant in this modern world?" Into - is the world ready for Superman?
The Establishing Shot: MAN OF STEEL OFFICIAL UK TRAILER HD - 14 JUNE 2013
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Man of Steel Jor-el (Russell Crowe) watches an air battle over Krypton |
0:03 - 0:08 : We open up strong and moody as we see a flying ships attacking a Kryptonian city possibly either Kandor or Kryptonopolis, we see a disheartened Jor-El (Russell Crowe) watching the destruction of Krypton under the red sun Rao.
In the comics, Krypton started out as a peaceful and advanced Utopia that was destroyed by a natural disaster, but not before Jor-El and Lara (Lara-E l/ Lara Lor-Van) saved their only (and Krypton's last) son Kal-El by sending him into space in a rocket.
However since its creation and to keep up with the times Krypton has become a political hotbed with factions and inner turmoil that reflects our own. I still kind of prefer the story of an orphaned boy with super powers trying to live up to the perfect society he is from and trying to get Earth to adhere to their ethics.
It's unclear if this is a Krypton on Krypton battle or an invading force. But in the Smallville TV show Kandor was destroyed by Kryptonian terrorist group called Black Zero at odds with decisions the council makes. General Zod and his army eventually forced Black Zero "back to the ice". But in the recent comics New Krypton story arc - Black Zero is an elite unit of Zod's army.
Most recently we were introduced to the 5 Guilds of Krypton, and the friction between them; Artists Guild - who are concerned with the creative arts as well as Kryptonian interests like Law, the Labor Guild - farmers, miners and general workers, Science Guild - Superman's father was a member of the Science Guild and finally the Military Guild headed by General Zod who prefers to decimate anyone in his path or that he perceives as a threat to Krypton. In Kryptons pre history they actively seeked to conquest their known universe through military takeover. Zod is a throwback to that early era.
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Man of Steel Winged One flies over Krypton |
0:08 - 0:10 : Cut to a someone flying on a 4 winged creature that looks like a giant dragonfly possibly heading towards the light coloured observatory like building in the distance, in the comics both advanced air ships and winged creature were used for transportation.
This winged creature could be based on a Kryptonian creature from the early comics known as The Winged Ones or Tantho Flez. In the comics The Winged Ones looked more like a white dragon and were considered a sacred beast.
There is an old Kryptonian legend of a hero called Dakar-Ra who rode a winged one to alert Kryptonians of an incoming invasion. I wonder if this is plays a roles in Man of Steel ? Possibly in spirit at least.
In the distance we see a small Moon on the right and a much bigger one on the left that could be crumbling apart from the centre.
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Man of Steel Father Jor-el (Russell Crowe) says goodbye Kal-el |
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Man of Steel Mother Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) says goodbye to Kal-el |
Goodbye last son of Krypton Kal-El
0:08 - 0:17 : Jor-El holding his only son in his arms saying goodbye. Before both Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) and place a young Kal-El into his bed and say their goodbyes.
0:17 - 0:25 : Kal-El's bed lifts into a pod with Lara Lor-Van and Jor-El watching on discussing Kal-El's and fitting into his new home. A closer look at Kal-El's pod as it lifts into his spaceship clearly shows it is marked with the the s symbol or Kryptonian glyph for Hope. His parents have encased their only son in their hope and sent him into the heavens. It's kind of tragic.
0:08 - 0:17 : Jor-El holding his only son in his arms saying goodbye. Before both Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) and place a young Kal-El into his bed and say their goodbyes.
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Man of Steel Kal-el Krypton rocket spaceship |
0:17 - 0:25 : Kal-El's bed lifts into a pod with Lara Lor-Van and Jor-El watching on discussing Kal-El's and fitting into his new home. A closer look at Kal-El's pod as it lifts into his spaceship clearly shows it is marked with the the s symbol or Kryptonian glyph for Hope. His parents have encased their only son in their hope and sent him into the heavens. It's kind of tragic.
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Man Of Steel Krypton Hope Spaceship |
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Man of Steel Kal-el's ship flies past the moon towards earth |
0:26 - 0:28 : Kal-El's spaceship and Krypton's last hope fly past a moon, our moon on its way to earth
Could this lead into the scene from the second trailer, when we see a meteor, spaceship or probe streaking across the sky earthwards. Or is this from later in the film?
0:29 - 0:35 : Hans Zimmer's drums coming in ...
All the logos are seemingly made of a metallic substance, presumably steel to enhance the elemental theme. And move slightly towards the camera a subtle nod to the titles of the 1978 - Superman: The Movie.
Fade to black.
Hello Kansas Red & Blue
0:35 - 0:47 : We open on a new home and Earthy imagery presumably rural Kansas, Smallville and childhood toys.
A cart, wheels up - the cart symbolic of the journey Kal-El has undertaken with more to come. The wheels symbolic of evolution, the cart upside down possibly signifying that despite its advanced technology Krypton still fell.
- juxtaposed against the image of a Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly. Drawing attention to the parallels between Butterflies, who as part of their lifecycle go through a caterpillar stage before chrysalis and transforming into a beautiful flying creature in its full resplendence, and Superman who at this stage is still a caterpillar.
The butterfly is on an iron chain, presumably the significance is that Kal-El's true nature is being held in check at this stage.
This leads immediately into a young caped Kal-El or Clark Kent (Cooper Timberline) playing, is the cape a result of lingering fragments of memory of his short time on Krypton? He is wearing red, white and blue colours that are traditionally Superman's colours and the stance a foretelling of this to come.
Clark is running (the unsettled nomadic Clark theme coming to the fore) through green fields symbolising growth and a hopeful future.
The clothes on the line are colourful to reinforce this, young Clark has bright reds and whites emphasised with the use of RED filters in this scenes - especially when juxtaposed against the clothes, older Clark has washed out blues and whites emphasised with the use of darker BLUE filters.
Young Clark's secret outed
0:50 - 0:58 : A school bus crashing into a river, school kids in danger and Clark (Dylan Sprayberry) stepping up to save them. "He saw what Clark did", we also see a young girl in a pink cardigan flailing in the water then safe back in her seat watching Clark as the remaining water runs out of the bus.Is that Jadin Gould who plays a young Lana Lang, meaning Clark and Lana knew each other when they were younger or Alexa Gengelbach as a Bus Kid?
Clark's spaceship and Pa Kent's Wall of Weird
0:59 - 1:10 : Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) or Pa Kent showing young Clark his spaceship, still hidden under the barn. It would seem that Pa Kent has his own Wall of Weird as Chloe had in Smallville made of newspaper clippings, a record of all the strange meteor and Clark related events.
A closer look at Kal-El's spaceship reveals that its shape has been influenced by the design of Kal-El's spaceship in John Byrne's Man of Steel 1. Another little easter egg is that actor/stuntman Brad Kelly will be playing the role of Byrne in Man of Steel - I bet that is another Kryptonian, looking at his size possibly he is the updated Non character of Zod's team.
Clark Kent on a voyage of discovery or to a destination?
1:11 - 1:16 : An older Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) on a voyage of self discovery as he hitches through some inhospitable territory at the end of the earth.
Presumably Clark has been stating in the shadows and to himself, avoiding contact with humans, so as to lessen the risk of his powers being discovered.
The frozen desolate North seems like a good place to get away from it all, I myself would have opted for sunnier climes, but possibly Clark has a specific destination in mind, as alluded to in the next scene. Notice the black necklace around his neck with a dark pendant hanging down? See further below.
The Fortress of Solitude, ancient Kryptonians and Superman's suit
1:17 - 1:21 : Clark exploring The Fortress of Solitude. He seems to be investigating pod like structures. That seem to have housed life forms at some point. Were these Kryptonians? Is this a Kryptonian ship that made its way to earth previously? Is this part of why Jor-El knew the effects that Earth's atmosphere would have on Kal-El? Was there a previous mission of Hope to Earth?
All possible but the design of the ship bears a striking similarity to the interior of Brainiac's Skull ship in the comics. And those pods could be very similar to the pods we see in Action Comics 868 Brainiac, Part 3 - Greetings where Brainiac keeps his life form collection.
Followed by a better look at more of the Fortress, which seems to be encased in ice, presumably far North somewhere. The scene where Clark is talking to someone or something take place during this exploration.
Looking at the background design and lighting - this looks to be where Clark finds his Superman's suit adorned with the Kryptonian glyph for Hope or the S symbol.
Looking at the suit we can see that the Man of Steel's suit has drawn its design from the inception of Superman way back in his very first comic appearance in Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster's Action Comics 1. Not just the darker colouring but some of the design elements as well - look at where the cape joins the suit it's a match.
Lois Lane
1:21 - 1:25 : Our first look at Lois Lane (Amy Adams) as she also explores the ship formerly known as The Fortress of Solitude. Followed up by a close up of Amy Adams as Lois Lane.
Again the design of the ship bears a striking resemblance to the interior of Brainiac's Skull Ship. I'm just saying.
Looking at Lane's outfit and the background lighting this must be where Colonel Hardy (Christopher Meloni) and Richard Schiff as Dr. Emil Hamilton are dressed for some heavy duty weather staring in amazement at something. So Lois is not alone and it looks like the US Military are investigating the ship.
This could also mean that Lois may not just be a reporter but somehow involved with the military. In Smallville she was a military brat and her father General Sam Lane, in recent comics she has a sister who joins the army after her father's death.
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Man of Steel rocketship heads to earth |
0:29 - 0:35 : Hans Zimmer's drums coming in ...
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Man of Steel Warner Bros Logo (Click to enlarge) |
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Man of Steel Legendary Logo |
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Man of Steel DC Comics Logo |
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Man of Steel Syncopy Logo |
All the logos are seemingly made of a metallic substance, presumably steel to enhance the elemental theme. And move slightly towards the camera a subtle nod to the titles of the 1978 - Superman: The Movie.
Video: Superman - Intro & Credits
Fade to black.
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Man Of Steel Smallville Kansas Clark Kent's home |
Hello Kansas Red & Blue
0:35 - 0:47 : We open on a new home and Earthy imagery presumably rural Kansas, Smallville and childhood toys.
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Man Of Steel Upside Down Cart |
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Man Of Steel Symbolic Butterfly |
- juxtaposed against the image of a Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly. Drawing attention to the parallels between Butterflies, who as part of their lifecycle go through a caterpillar stage before chrysalis and transforming into a beautiful flying creature in its full resplendence, and Superman who at this stage is still a caterpillar.
The butterfly is on an iron chain, presumably the significance is that Kal-El's true nature is being held in check at this stage.
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Photo Man Of Steel Young Clark Kent |
Clark is running (the unsettled nomadic Clark theme coming to the fore) through green fields symbolising growth and a hopeful future.
The clothes on the line are colourful to reinforce this, young Clark has bright reds and whites emphasised with the use of RED filters in this scenes - especially when juxtaposed against the clothes, older Clark has washed out blues and whites emphasised with the use of darker BLUE filters.
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Man of Steel young Clark blooms |
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent School Bus Rescue |
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent School Bus Girl |
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent School Bus Secret |
Young Clark's secret outed
0:50 - 0:58 : A school bus crashing into a river, school kids in danger and Clark (Dylan Sprayberry) stepping up to save them. "He saw what Clark did", we also see a young girl in a pink cardigan flailing in the water then safe back in her seat watching Clark as the remaining water runs out of the bus.Is that Jadin Gould who plays a young Lana Lang, meaning Clark and Lana knew each other when they were younger or Alexa Gengelbach as a Bus Kid?
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Man of Steel Kal-Els spaceship under the Kent's barn |
0:59 - 1:10 : Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) or Pa Kent showing young Clark his spaceship, still hidden under the barn. It would seem that Pa Kent has his own Wall of Weird as Chloe had in Smallville made of newspaper clippings, a record of all the strange meteor and Clark related events.
A closer look at Kal-El's spaceship reveals that its shape has been influenced by the design of Kal-El's spaceship in John Byrne's Man of Steel 1. Another little easter egg is that actor/stuntman Brad Kelly will be playing the role of Byrne in Man of Steel - I bet that is another Kryptonian, looking at his size possibly he is the updated Non character of Zod's team.
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John Byrne Man of Steel 1 Cover |
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Man Of Steel Jonathan Kent Wall Of Weird |
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent Henry Cavill Journey Of Discovery |
1:11 - 1:16 : An older Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) on a voyage of self discovery as he hitches through some inhospitable territory at the end of the earth.
Presumably Clark has been stating in the shadows and to himself, avoiding contact with humans, so as to lessen the risk of his powers being discovered.
The frozen desolate North seems like a good place to get away from it all, I myself would have opted for sunnier climes, but possibly Clark has a specific destination in mind, as alluded to in the next scene. Notice the black necklace around his neck with a dark pendant hanging down? See further below.
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Man Of Steel Discovers Ancient Kryptonians in the Fortress Of Solitude |
1:17 - 1:21 : Clark exploring The Fortress of Solitude. He seems to be investigating pod like structures. That seem to have housed life forms at some point. Were these Kryptonians? Is this a Kryptonian ship that made its way to earth previously? Is this part of why Jor-El knew the effects that Earth's atmosphere would have on Kal-El? Was there a previous mission of Hope to Earth?
All possible but the design of the ship bears a striking similarity to the interior of Brainiac's Skull ship in the comics. And those pods could be very similar to the pods we see in Action Comics 868 Brainiac, Part 3 - Greetings where Brainiac keeps his life form collection.
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent in the Ancient Fortress Of Solitude |
“I have so many questions, where do I come from?”
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent Fortress of Solitude Questions |
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Man of Steel Superman suit |
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Man Of Steel Ancient Lois Lane (Amy Adams) explores the Fortress Of Solitude |
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Man Of Steel Lois Lane (Amy Adams) explores the Fortress of Solitude |
Lois Lane
1:21 - 1:25 : Our first look at Lois Lane (Amy Adams) as she also explores the ship formerly known as The Fortress of Solitude. Followed up by a close up of Amy Adams as Lois Lane.
Again the design of the ship bears a striking resemblance to the interior of Brainiac's Skull Ship. I'm just saying.
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Man Of Steel Lois Lane Fortress Of Solitude (Click to enlarge) |
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Man Of Steel Lois Lane Fortress Of Solitude (Click to enlarge) |
This could also mean that Lois may not just be a reporter but somehow involved with the military. In Smallville she was a military brat and her father General Sam Lane, in recent comics she has a sister who joins the army after her father's death.
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Man Of Steel Christopher Meloni & Richard Schiff |
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Man Of Steel Fishing Trawler |
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent Fisherman |
Deadliest Catch Arctic Edition
1:25 - 1:28 : A fishing trawler making its way out to sea. Where we find Clark Kent working as a fisherman. The traveller theme reiterated as we find Clark on the trawler Blue gloves, red waterproofing and presumably his white shirt under. It seems Clark has taken up fishing, in some of the world's most inhospitable locations. Seeking solitude and trying to stay away from humanity or on a journey making his way to the Fortress of Solitude remains to be seen.
Arctic sea rescue & Clark's more realistic powers
1:28 - 1:32 : Cut to an explosion on a drilling platform as it goes up into flames and a bearded Clark using his super strength to jump in and help.
He stops metal girders from falling. But it looks like he is taking strain doing it - so this Superman's Man of Steel super powers seem to be either toned down and less fantastical or still developing. Kal-El's pose and camera angle of this shot echo the famous pose of Superman from the cover of Action Comics 1.
You can see the words "... Arctic" on the platform. Confirming that this takes place in the North Pacific off Alaska.
Lonely, far from home and of noble birth
1:33 - 1:35 : Clark in a shipyard getting dressed. He seems to be making friends with a stray dog that has wandered over. The synchronicity of a man without a home making friends with a stray dog touching This is the second hound in the trailer the first presumably the Kents. Because he needs to hide his powers, it is easier to make friends with animals. Clark is well and truly alone in the world.
Regan Alicia the name of the boat in the foreground possibly alludes to Kal-El's heritage or it could just be the name of a boat. Regan in Latin is "Queen" and Alicia "of noble Birth" possibly alluding to the mothers in Clark's life which have been gathering more significance over the years..
Faded blue Abercrombie & Fitch top and faded red trousers.
Hope is the key
1:36 - 1:37 : A closer look at the Kryptonian glyph which hangs around Clark's neck. Which we now know means hope - but is this also a key of some sort? Presumably this has come from Kal-El's space ship and will possibly open the ancient Kryptonian ship to serve as Superman's Fortress of Solitude.
1:25 - 1:28 : A fishing trawler making its way out to sea. Where we find Clark Kent working as a fisherman. The traveller theme reiterated as we find Clark on the trawler Blue gloves, red waterproofing and presumably his white shirt under. It seems Clark has taken up fishing, in some of the world's most inhospitable locations. Seeking solitude and trying to stay away from humanity or on a journey making his way to the Fortress of Solitude remains to be seen.
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Man Of Steel Exploding Arctic Oil Drill |
1:28 - 1:32 : Cut to an explosion on a drilling platform as it goes up into flames and a bearded Clark using his super strength to jump in and help.
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Photo Man Of Steel Clark Kent super strength in action |
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Action Comics 1 Superman Suit (Click to enlarge) |
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Man Of Steel Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) & stray dog |
1:33 - 1:35 : Clark in a shipyard getting dressed. He seems to be making friends with a stray dog that has wandered over. The synchronicity of a man without a home making friends with a stray dog touching This is the second hound in the trailer the first presumably the Kents. Because he needs to hide his powers, it is easier to make friends with animals. Clark is well and truly alone in the world.
Regan Alicia the name of the boat in the foreground possibly alludes to Kal-El's heritage or it could just be the name of a boat. Regan in Latin is "Queen" and Alicia "of noble Birth" possibly alluding to the mothers in Clark's life which have been gathering more significance over the years..
Faded blue Abercrombie & Fitch top and faded red trousers.
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Man Of Steel Hope Is The Krypton Key |
1:36 - 1:37 : A closer look at the Kryptonian glyph which hangs around Clark's neck. Which we now know means hope - but is this also a key of some sort? Presumably this has come from Kal-El's space ship and will possibly open the ancient Kryptonian ship to serve as Superman's Fortress of Solitude.
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Man Of Steel Superman Emerges Fortress Of Solitude |
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Man Of Steel Symbolic Butterfly |
Butterfly emerges and it's kind of EPIC!
1:37 - 1:42 : We see the key, then we see a door opening.
Back to the spaceship previously known as the Fortress of Solitude. Doors slide open and a dark silhouette steps out into the light. Superman or the Man of Steel emerges in full costume.
Astoundingly beautiful visual composition as the son rises
1:43 - 2:06 : Superman walking in the fresh snow, cape billowing. I love this imagery there is something about Superman walking in freezing conditions quite casually a subtle reminder that not only is he different but he is special. It also reminds us that Kal-El is alone and although he surrounded by people he feels alone and not of earth.
How striking is his costume against the white virgin snow for his first flight? I guess that if Clark's childhood was the RED period, his 30s the BLUE period this should be considered the WHITE period.
More iconic cinematography as Superman walks across the desolate landscape. Dawn breaking behind him. A new day, a new hope, a new sun, the son rises.
A quick shot presumably taken from when Superman is floating above the earth, then back to him walking across the snow.
A close up of Henry Cavill head tilted to the sun, the source of his power, both communing and powering up as he gets ready to take off.
Superman takes off hurtling through the skies, past the clouds into the stratosphere. Looking at the damage he creates to his surrounding on take off this may be his first takeoff and Snyder is certainly giving Superman's flight abilities the attention they deserve.
So the last couple of shots have signified the Caterpillar, chrysalis and emergence of the butterfly. As Clark Kent the caterpillar has been on a journey of discovery, The Fortress of Solitude is his cocoon and he emerges as Superman to take flight. You will believe a man can fly again.
Brainiac's Skull Ship Design vs Superman
2:08 - 2:09 : We kick back into high gear as we seem to be in a tunnel deep underwater within the earths core. And we see a huge many armed metallic like ship chasing Superman. What? A huge many armed metallic like ship chasing Superman!
On an initial glance the huge opening behind the fleeing Superman is very similar to the Kryptonian Fortress of Solitude door he walked out of earlier, but a closer inspection reveals it to be of a slightly different design - it's less solid and seems to be relying more on a plated design.
So this could be a more modern Kryptonian ship i.e. one of Zod's modern ships which seems to be heavily influenced by the design of another famous ship from the Superman mythology - particularly the tentacled arms - that of Brainiac's Skull Ship. This means that Brainiac may be another antagonist in Man of Steel and could have been involved in the destruction of Krypton or Brainiac may appear as part of the Krypton world and helped design the ships or this is just a Zack Snyder in comic reference. I'm hoping that we finally get to see Superman and Brainiac go toe to toe as in Superman Unbound.
Call in the air force
2:09 - 2:09 : We see what looks like a damaged heavily armed Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II close air support jet crash into the main street of a small town, which can be identified as Smallville from the Empire cover below.
What looks like another Thunderbolt can be seen flying high above the scene. The explosive impact of the crash revealing a figure at the core of the explosion.
Jor-El falls?
2:09 - 2:10 : We see a Kryptonian falling from an exploding towerlike structure, mid fall he is whisked up by a winged creature that looks a lot like The Winged Ones seen earlier on Krypton. Does this scene lead on from earlier where we saw Jor-El watching the destruction of Krypton?
We go deeper
2:10 - 2:13 : We see the Man of Steel flying out of tunnel, possibly the same one he was being chased in by the tentacled ship earlier, he flies passed the seas been held back Moses style and straight up the blue light to its source which may be another space ship - cutting a tunnel into the Earth's core.
2:13 - 2:13 : Two very Halo'eske alien ships coming down near what looks to be Clark Kent's child hood home in Smallville. Presumably Diane Lane as Martha Kent having just seen this on the news is coming out to see what the commotion is all about.
Well if Snyder is shooting straight these would have to be Zod's ships but again - the design of the second ship higher up that we can see front on seems to have got its design steer from Brainiac's Skull Ship.
2:13 - 2:14 : Our first look at Michael Shannon as General Zod. Presumably this is back on Krypton, as Zod seems much younger. Zod seems to be in custody and addressing Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) Kal-El's mother when he says: "You think your son is safe?" before being shuffled off by two large custodians.From one mother to another
1:37 - 1:42 : We see the key, then we see a door opening.
Back to the spaceship previously known as the Fortress of Solitude. Doors slide open and a dark silhouette steps out into the light. Superman or the Man of Steel emerges in full costume.
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Man Of Steel Superman First Flight |
Astoundingly beautiful visual composition as the son rises
1:43 - 2:06 : Superman walking in the fresh snow, cape billowing. I love this imagery there is something about Superman walking in freezing conditions quite casually a subtle reminder that not only is he different but he is special. It also reminds us that Kal-El is alone and although he surrounded by people he feels alone and not of earth.
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Man of Steel Superman in snow |
More iconic cinematography as Superman walks across the desolate landscape. Dawn breaking behind him. A new day, a new hope, a new sun, the son rises.
A quick shot presumably taken from when Superman is floating above the earth, then back to him walking across the snow.
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Man Of Steel Sun Worship |
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Man Of Steel Superman First Flight |
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Man Of Steel Superman First Flight into space |
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Man Of Steel Superman underground tentacle ship chase |
2:08 - 2:09 : We kick back into high gear as we seem to be in a tunnel deep underwater within the earths core. And we see a huge many armed metallic like ship chasing Superman. What? A huge many armed metallic like ship chasing Superman!
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Man Of Steel Tentacle Ship Brainiac Chase |
So this could be a more modern Kryptonian ship i.e. one of Zod's modern ships which seems to be heavily influenced by the design of another famous ship from the Superman mythology - particularly the tentacled arms - that of Brainiac's Skull Ship. This means that Brainiac may be another antagonist in Man of Steel and could have been involved in the destruction of Krypton or Brainiac may appear as part of the Krypton world and helped design the ships or this is just a Zack Snyder in comic reference. I'm hoping that we finally get to see Superman and Brainiac go toe to toe as in Superman Unbound.
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Man Of Steel Smallville stand off |
2:09 - 2:09 : We see what looks like a damaged heavily armed Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II close air support jet crash into the main street of a small town, which can be identified as Smallville from the Empire cover below.
What looks like another Thunderbolt can be seen flying high above the scene. The explosive impact of the crash revealing a figure at the core of the explosion.
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Man Of Steel Jor-el Falls on Krypton |
2:09 - 2:10 : We see a Kryptonian falling from an exploding towerlike structure, mid fall he is whisked up by a winged creature that looks a lot like The Winged Ones seen earlier on Krypton. Does this scene lead on from earlier where we saw Jor-El watching the destruction of Krypton?
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Photo Man Of Steel Superman Fights Laser Beam |
2:10 - 2:13 : We see the Man of Steel flying out of tunnel, possibly the same one he was being chased in by the tentacled ship earlier, he flies passed the seas been held back Moses style and straight up the blue light to its source which may be another space ship - cutting a tunnel into the Earth's core.
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Man Of Steel Kent Farmhouse Invaded |
2:13 - 2:13 : Two very Halo'eske alien ships coming down near what looks to be Clark Kent's child hood home in Smallville. Presumably Diane Lane as Martha Kent having just seen this on the news is coming out to see what the commotion is all about.
Well if Snyder is shooting straight these would have to be Zod's ships but again - the design of the second ship higher up that we can see front on seems to have got its design steer from Brainiac's Skull Ship.
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Man Of Steel young General Zod (Michael Shannon) in custody on Krypton |
2:13 - 2:14 : Our first look at Michael Shannon as General Zod. Presumably this is back on Krypton, as Zod seems much younger. Zod seems to be in custody and addressing Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) Kal-El's mother when he says: "You think your son is safe?" before being shuffled off by two large custodians.From one mother to another
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Man of Steel old Zod - Michael Shannon |
General Zod is an ongoing character in the DC comics and has been transformed from outright evil megalomaniac to a slightly less so leader of New Krypton (long story) and has an uneasy alliance with Kal-El who is under his command.
In Superman The motion Picture and Superman 2 General Zod (Terence Stamp) and his two closest comrades Non (Jack O'Halloran) and Ursa (Sarah Douglas) are saved from Krypton's destruction as they are sent to the dreaded Phantom Zone (Reading on a Saturday Night) for insurrection.
They are later accidentally freed by shockwaves when Superman sends a bomb into space to detonate leading to them causing all sorts of havoc on earth, very similar to what we have see in the trailer for Man of Steel so far.
They are later accidentally freed by shockwaves when Superman sends a bomb into space to detonate leading to them causing all sorts of havoc on earth, very similar to what we have see in the trailer for Man of Steel so far.
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Man Of Steel Superman Army Face Off |
Top of the world ma
2:14 - 2:15 : Back to present day Earth as the US military arm up against a flying Superman. Loving the behind the back POV shot with Supermans cape billowing in the wind. They look like ants to him. this is presumably either a standoff (possibly the military want to check his green card and adoption papers) or they have joined forces and Superman is about to take off on a mission. Either Lois Lane has come to see him off on this suicide mission or talk him into turning himself in.
2:16 - 2:16 : Supermans view from the top echoed as we cut to another behind the back POV shot - this time we see General Zod watching over Metropolis from his ship. Similar views but different perspectives.
Antje Traue as Kryptonian Faora behind him and two manned navigation terminals on either side of him a better look at the navigation terminals and their interface can be seen behind Zod on the left on the cover of Empire below and it seems to show their destination - Earth and its orbiting Moon..
2:14 - 2:15 : Back to present day Earth as the US military arm up against a flying Superman. Loving the behind the back POV shot with Supermans cape billowing in the wind. They look like ants to him. this is presumably either a standoff (possibly the military want to check his green card and adoption papers) or they have joined forces and Superman is about to take off on a mission. Either Lois Lane has come to see him off on this suicide mission or talk him into turning himself in.
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Man Of Steel Superman Lois Lane |
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Man Of Steel Superman Lois Lone Military |
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Man Of Steel General Zod Ship Above Metropolis |
Antje Traue as Kryptonian Faora behind him and two manned navigation terminals on either side of him a better look at the navigation terminals and their interface can be seen behind Zod on the left on the cover of Empire below and it seems to show their destination - Earth and its orbiting Moon..
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Man Of Steel General Zod In Custody |
2:16 - 2:17 : Cut back to Krypton, a chained General Zod and 4 accomplices seem to be about to be sentenced for something. Faora (Antje Traue) on his right hand side. Zod seems as mad as a bag of rattlesnakes been dropped down some stairs at Maurits Cornelis Escher's house.
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Man Of Steel Thunderbolt Attacks Fauro |
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Man Of Steel Missiles Over Lexcorp Building Metropolis |
2:20 - 2:21 : We see a hail of flaming missiles hurtling towards Metropolis, past the Lexcorp building. These seem to be very similar in nature to the Halo'eske missiles being rained down upon the Kryptonian City earlier on.
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Man Of Steel Kryptonian Warsuit Zod Bombed in Smallville |
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Man Of Steel Thunderbolts Attack in Smallville |
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Man Of Steel Clark Martha Kent Help Smallville football game crowd |
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Man Of Steel Smallville High Noon |
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Man Of Steel Superman Smashes Safe |
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Man of Steel Superman (Henry Cavill) revealed as he smashes a bank vault (click to enlarge) |
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Man Of Steel Superman Arrested in a bank after breaking a safe |
Leading directly into:
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Man of Steel Superman (Henry Cavill) in custody. Colonel Hardy (Christopher Meloni) on right (Click to enlarge) |
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Man Of Steel Superman Rescue |
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Man Of Steel Kryptonian Laser Tunnels Through Metropolis |
A closer look at the beams from the previous trailer.
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Man Of Steel Metropolis Under Terraforming Attack |
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Man Of Steel Lara-lor Van (Ayelet Zurer) misses Jor-el - Jor-El's suit |
The suit design has similar elements to the tentacled ship we saw earlier, could this mean that the tentacled ship was a part of the Science Guilds equipment rather than Zod's Military Guild?
Clearly Jor-El has either passed away or is missing explaining why Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) is watching the destruction of Kryptonopolis, Krypton alone from Kal-El's nursery. Will Jor-El make a reappearance?
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Man Of Steel Lara Lor Van Watches The Destruction Of Krypton |
A Kryptonian becomes a barbarian
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Man Of Steel Shirtless Superman Henry Cavill |
These scenes of a shirtless Clark seem insignificant but they are subtle reminders of Clark's alienness. The look echoes visuals created by John Byrne for Man of Steel 1 when Kal's mother and father watch a shirtless Jonathan Kent farming. Lara-El was shaken by the scenes of the shirtless man and by Kryptonian's advanced standards it is considered primitive almost barbarous. Kal-El has come along way from Krypton.
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Man Of Steel Rebecca Buller as Jenny Olsen & Laurence Fishburne as Perry White |
2:29 - 2:29 : Cut to Metropolis being pounded and fiery building falling. Presumably this is outside the Daily Planet's offices as most of the crowd are wearing similar lanyards and is that Laurence Fishburne as Perry White I see with his back turned to us? Also of interest is the woman in the foreground Rebecca Buller rumoured to be playing Jenny Olsen. I don't know where the rumour came from but she is listed on IMDB as "Rebecca Buller ... Jenny Olsen (rumored)".
The sliver we were shown in the previous trailer of Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and Rebecca Buller, possibly as Jenny Olsen, fleeing amidst the chaos of Metropolis falling. presumably leads on from this.
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Man Of Steel Metropolis Crumbles Perry White |
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Man Of Steel Zod and Superman aerial battle collision impact imminent |
Blaze Comics are the operation that create and run Booster Gold's (another Metropolis Super Hero) self promoting comics. If you play DC Universe Online (which is awesome, albeit time consuming) you would know that there are Blaze Comic Shops all over Metropolis - but the logo is very different.
2:30 - 2:31 : Cut back to Krypton and very similar ships to Zod's attacking what looks like a landing platform. Is this the same platform that Jor-el was on earlier, it certainly looks like it and the same one that is exploding before a Kryptonian, possibly Jor-El is seeing falling and being whisked away by the Winged Ones?
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Man Of Steel Kryton destroyed |
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Man Of Steel Superman Flies |
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Man of Steel Military interrogation Superman (Henry Cavill) and Lois Lane (Amy Adams) |
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Man of Steel Military interrogation Lois Lane (Amy Adams) and Superman (Henry Cavill) |
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Man Of Steel Military Interrogation Richard Schiff as Dr Emil Hamilton |
Flirting, Evil Genius Dr. Emil Hamilton & Metallo
2:37 - 2:49 : Lois Lane (Amy Adams) questioning our visitor Kal-El (Henry Cavill) monitored by a room full of military behind one way glass, which includes; Colonel Hardy (Christopher Meloni), General Swanwick (Harry Lennix) and Richard Schiff as Dr. Emil Hamilton.
2:49 - 2:51 : Another Kryptonian stripped of his Kryptonian Warsuit Armour, possibly General Zod getting his ass handed to him by Superman as he power punches his opponent high above Metropolis.
I wondered if the blue beam terraforming Earth process had something to do with Kryptonians being powerless without their Warsuits, something explored in the Smallville TV show - but this shows they probably have the same powers as Kal-El as well as enhancements from their Warsuits over Kal-El.
2:52 - 2:55 : Superman's S Symbol a Kryptonian or the Kryptonian glyph for Hope emerges from the dark.
2:55 - 2:58 : As does:
2:58 - 2:59 :
So it would seem that not only does Kal-El have a tough fight on his hands but he needs to find himself first and I wonder if the fight brings out the Superman in him?
MAN OF STEEL will fly into cinemas on June 14, 2013.
Further reading:
Superman: New Krypton, Superman: World of New Krypton, Superman: Grounded
Further viewing:
From Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures comes “Man of Steel,” starring Henry Cavill (“Immortals,” TV’s “The Tudors”) in the role of Clark Kent/Superman, under the direction of Zack Snyder (“300,” “Watchmen”).
A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.
The film also stars four-time Oscar® nominee Amy Adams (“The Master”) as Daily Planet journalist Lois Lane, and Oscar® nominee Laurence Fishburne (“What’s Love Got to Do with It”) as her editor-in-chief, Perry White. Starring as Clark Kent’s adoptive parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent, are Oscar® nominee Diane Lane (“Unfaithful”) and Academy Award® winner Kevin Costner (“Dances with Wolves”).
Squaring off against the superhero are two other surviving Kryptonians, the villainous General Zod, played by Oscar® nominee Michael Shannon (“Revolutionary Road”), and Faora, Zod’s evil partner, played by Antje Traue (upcoming “The Seventh Son”). Also from Superman’s native Krypton are Lara Lor-Van, Superman’s mother, played by Ayelet Zurer (“Angels and Demons”), and Superman’s father, Jor-El, portrayed by Academy Award® winner Russell Crowe (“Gladiator”).
Rounding out the cast are Christopher Meloni (“42”) as U.S. military man Colonel Hardy, Harry Lennix (“State of Play”) as General Swanwick, Michael Kelly (“The Adjustment Bureau”) as Steve Lombard, and Richard Schiff (TV’s “The West Wing”) as Dr. Emil Hamilton.
“Man of Steel” is being produced by Charles Roven, Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas and Deborah Snyder. The screenplay was written by David S. Goyer from a story by Goyer & Nolan, based upon Superman characters created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster and published by DC Entertainment. Thomas Tull, Lloyd Phillips and Jon Peters are serving as executive producers.
Zack Snyder’s behind-the-scenes team includes director of photography Amir Mokri (“Transformers: Dark of the Moon”); production designer Alex McDowell (“Watchmen”); editor David Brenner (“Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”); and multiple Academy Award®-winning costume designer James Acheson (“Restoration,” the “Spider-Man” films) and costume designer Michael Wilkinson (“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 and 2,” “Watchmen,” “300”). The music is by Academy Award®-winning composer Hans Zimmer (“The Lion King,” “Inception”).
Warner Bros. Pictures presents, in association with Legendary Pictures, a Syncopy Production, a Zack Snyder Film, “Man of Steel.” The film will be released in 3D and 2D in select theaters and IMAX®, and is slated for release beginning June 14, 2013. It will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.
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2:37 - 2:49 : Lois Lane (Amy Adams) questioning our visitor Kal-El (Henry Cavill) monitored by a room full of military behind one way glass, which includes; Colonel Hardy (Christopher Meloni), General Swanwick (Harry Lennix) and Richard Schiff as Dr. Emil Hamilton.
Dr. Emil another minor character from the Superman comics who is a brilliant genius initially portrayed as benevolent but becomes evil eventually.
Much like Nolan used characters from the Batman comics in his trilogy - we can expect characters to pop up in Man of Steel. For instance Battlestar Galactica's Tahmoh Penikett is playing Henry Ackerdson. Henry Ackerdson was a reporter that cyborg Metallo / John Corben disguised himself as to get close to Superman before trying to kill him. I would be surprised if Metallo appears but it is the type of Easter egg we have come to expect from the Nolan/Snyder verse
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I wondered if the blue beam terraforming Earth process had something to do with Kryptonians being powerless without their Warsuits, something explored in the Smallville TV show - but this shows they probably have the same powers as Kal-El as well as enhancements from their Warsuits over Kal-El.
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2:55 - 2:58 : As does:
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So it would seem that not only does Kal-El have a tough fight on his hands but he needs to find himself first and I wonder if the fight brings out the Superman in him?
MAN OF STEEL will fly into cinemas on June 14, 2013.
Further reading:
Superman: New Krypton, Superman: World of New Krypton, Superman: Grounded
Further viewing:
From Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures comes “Man of Steel,” starring Henry Cavill (“Immortals,” TV’s “The Tudors”) in the role of Clark Kent/Superman, under the direction of Zack Snyder (“300,” “Watchmen”).
A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.
The film also stars four-time Oscar® nominee Amy Adams (“The Master”) as Daily Planet journalist Lois Lane, and Oscar® nominee Laurence Fishburne (“What’s Love Got to Do with It”) as her editor-in-chief, Perry White. Starring as Clark Kent’s adoptive parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent, are Oscar® nominee Diane Lane (“Unfaithful”) and Academy Award® winner Kevin Costner (“Dances with Wolves”).
Squaring off against the superhero are two other surviving Kryptonians, the villainous General Zod, played by Oscar® nominee Michael Shannon (“Revolutionary Road”), and Faora, Zod’s evil partner, played by Antje Traue (upcoming “The Seventh Son”). Also from Superman’s native Krypton are Lara Lor-Van, Superman’s mother, played by Ayelet Zurer (“Angels and Demons”), and Superman’s father, Jor-El, portrayed by Academy Award® winner Russell Crowe (“Gladiator”).
Rounding out the cast are Christopher Meloni (“42”) as U.S. military man Colonel Hardy, Harry Lennix (“State of Play”) as General Swanwick, Michael Kelly (“The Adjustment Bureau”) as Steve Lombard, and Richard Schiff (TV’s “The West Wing”) as Dr. Emil Hamilton.
“Man of Steel” is being produced by Charles Roven, Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas and Deborah Snyder. The screenplay was written by David S. Goyer from a story by Goyer & Nolan, based upon Superman characters created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster and published by DC Entertainment. Thomas Tull, Lloyd Phillips and Jon Peters are serving as executive producers.
Zack Snyder’s behind-the-scenes team includes director of photography Amir Mokri (“Transformers: Dark of the Moon”); production designer Alex McDowell (“Watchmen”); editor David Brenner (“Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”); and multiple Academy Award®-winning costume designer James Acheson (“Restoration,” the “Spider-Man” films) and costume designer Michael Wilkinson (“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 and 2,” “Watchmen,” “300”). The music is by Academy Award®-winning composer Hans Zimmer (“The Lion King,” “Inception”).
Warner Bros. Pictures presents, in association with Legendary Pictures, a Syncopy Production, a Zack Snyder Film, “Man of Steel.” The film will be released in 3D and 2D in select theaters and IMAX®, and is slated for release beginning June 14, 2013. It will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.
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Craig is a retired superhero, an obsessive hobbyist, comics fan, gadget lover & flâneur who knows an unhealthy amount about Ian Fleming's James Bond. When not watching or making films he takes pictures, eats, drinks, dives, tries to connect to nature whilst mentally storyboarding the greatest film ever made. He also & sometimes utilises owl-themed gadgets to fight crime. A list of his 132 favourite films can be found here! If you would still like to contact Craig please use any of the buttons below: |