Behind the scenes on the set of James Bond's You Only Live Twice

You Only Live Twice starred the one and only Sean Connery as James Bond and was the fifth adaptation of Ian Fleming's Bond series. It was adapted by Roald Dahl.
It was memorable for many reasons especially as it's the first James Bond film that went into space, as well as who can forget Little Nellie? It was also supposed to be Sean Connery's last outing as James Bond. Fortunatley he was back for Diamonds Are Forever. It was also the first James Bond film from Bond Directing legend Lewis Gilbert.
You Only Live Twice
Agent 007 and the Japanese secret service ninja force must find and stop the true culprit of a series of spacejackings before nuclear war is provoked.
Without going into the details of 'Dimension 150' 65mm format, these are a couple of scans of pre production D150 tests for You Only Live Twice.
They were taken from an old roll of print, the origin of which I can't quite remember although, it may be that it came my way many years ago from John Grant. He was cameraman for process work such as matte paintings and I know he had lots of interesting old stuff (like the matte painting from Force 10 from Navarone). I think maybe that's where this came from.
You Only Live Twice slateboard, 2nd November 1966
You Only Live Twice
You Only Live Twice D-150 OK, I really can't seem to get the scan much better than this! The old print is now actually deep red and I'm doing crazy things with curves to to correct it.
Director: Lewis Gilbert Starring: Sean Connery, Donald Pleasence, Bernard Lee. Behind the scenes : On the set of James Bond's You Only Live Twice